(Amended Spring 2024)
Revised Chairwomen Ancillary Agreements
The name of the Club is Londonderry Women’s Club, Inc. of Londonderry, New Hampshire.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
Mission Statement: The Londonderry Women’s Club (LWC) gathers women together in a respectful, apolitical forum to build a better community. Members take an active interest in the educational and civic welfare of Londonderry and its neighboring communities, including offering several annual scholarships. LWC members strive to enhance their lives through friendship and volunteerism.
ARTICLE III – Basic Policies
Starred (*) sections of this article may not be altered as they are required, as stated, by the Internal Revenue Service as compliance to 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
*Section 1. The club is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes: including such purposes as stimulating interest in community outreach activities for its members and the surrounding towns at large, aiding in the welfare of Londonderry and its neighboring towns, providing educational programs on various community topics and having fundraisers that enable the LWC to award scholarships and to make donations to non-profit organizations that qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.
*Section 2. Upon the dissolution of the Londonderry Women’s Club, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the club, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more nonprofit funds, foundations, or organizations that have established their tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal government or the state of local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
*Section 3. Conflict of Interest Policy: Any possible conflict of interest on the part of any member of the Board shall be disclosed in writing to the Board and made a matter of record when the interest involves a specific issue before the Board. Where the transaction involving a Board Member exceeds five hundred dollars ($500) but is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in a fiscal year; a two-thirds vote of the disinterested members is required. Where the transaction involved exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000) in a fiscal year, then a two-thirds vote of the disinterested members and publication in the newspaper is required. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that:
- a disclosure was made.
- the member with conflict abstained from voting.
- the actual vote took place.
Every new member of the Board will be advised of this policy upon entering the duties of her office, and shall verbally acknowledge an understanding of, and agreement to this policy. The Board will comply with all requirements of New Hampshire law in this area.
*Section 4. LWC is and will always remain apolitical. It will never support or oppose candidates in political campaigns in any way.
*Section 5. LWC does not and will not gain funds by operating bingo and other gaming activities.
ARTICLE IV – Definitions
Section 1. For the purposes of this document, the following definitions shall apply:
- Executive Board: The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
- Board: The Board shall consist of the Executive Board and Committee Chairwomen and shall be the governing body of the Club.
- LWC Calendar Year: The part of a year that runs from June 1 to May 31.
- LWC Quarterly: The Club newsletter that is published every March, June, September, and December.
- Plurality: The number of votes cast for a proposition receives more votes than any other.
ARTICLE V – Meetings
Section 1. There will be at least one general meeting held each month from September through May. General meetings shall be held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except for holidays or scheduling conflicts.
Section 2. There shall be one Business Meeting held each month during the LWC Calendar Year on the 1st Wednesday of the month except for holidays or scheduling conflicts. These shall be attended by all Board Members and are open to all Club Members.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President whenever necessary.
Section 4. The last general meeting of the year, at which time Board Members are installed for the coming year, is referred to as the Annual Meeting.
Section 5. Cancellations and Postponements
- General Meetings: The Executive Board shall make the decision and post the cancellation or postponement notice via email.
- Business Meetings: A cancellation or postponement shall be the decision of the President and the woman hosting the meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the President to contact the Club Members via email regarding the meeting status.
Section 6. LWC shall not be held responsible for lost or stolen articles during a Club event.
ARTICLE VI – Membership
Section 1. All female residents of Londonderry, New Hampshire, 18 years or older, are eligible for membership.
Section 2. The Executive Board can grant membership to female residents of communities adjacent to Londonderry.
Section 3. All members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one club activity each year.
Section 4. All new members are required to submit a completed membership form. All current members are required to update their membership information annually with the Membership Chairwoman.
Section 5. The membership list is the sole property of the Londonderry Women’s Club and shall not be sold, distributed, or used by any member for purposes other than official Club business without explicit member permission.
Section 6. All members shall have the privilege of receiving the LWC Quarterly and of voting on Club matters.
Section 7. Each new member shall be provided access to the Bylaws and the Schedule of Programs.
ARTICLE VII – Dues and Fees
Section 1. The annual dues for the Club shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per LWC Calendar Year.
Section 2. The dues shall be payable to the Londonderry Women’s Club (LWC) at the time of application for new membership. Dues for current members are to be paid in full by the LWC Welcome Back Program in September with a grace period until October 31st. If dues are not paid in time, membership forfeiture could go into effect.
Section 3. All dues paid on or after March 1st of the Calendar Year for current or new members will go toward the next Calendar Year.
Section 4. Exemptions to dues being paid by a member is up to the discretion of the President and the Treasurer.
Section 5. Reservations for events cannot be canceled after the deadline date. Payment due is to be paid to the Club Treasurer. Refunds may be considered in extreme cases as approved by the Executive Board.
Section 6. Non-members are not eligible for member discounts.
ARTICLE VIII – Board Members
Section 1. The Board Members of the Londonderry Women’s Club shall consist of the Executive Board and the following Chairwomen: Community Outreach, Membership, Programs, Publicity, and Ways and Means.
Section 2. The renewable term of office for each Board Member is one year.
Section 3. All outgoing Board Members must train their replacement so that the Club will continue to function smoothly. They must turn over all official material no later than the June Business Meeting and provide copies of official materials to the Secretary. These materials should include but not be limited to forms, procedures, contracts, etc. The Treasurer will need additional time to conclude the transfer of materials and duties. The incoming and outgoing Treasurer will work together during this time.
Section 4. In the event a Board member wishes to resign, she may do so by notifying the President or Vice President. The President or Vice President shall request the Nominating Committee to select at least one member whose name shall be placed before the general membership via email. No one member shall be allowed to hold more than one Board position unless the Club is unable to fill all Board positions.
Section 5. If a Board Member is unable to fulfill her stated duties, the Executive Board may take appropriate action.
Section 6. The duties and responsibilities of Executive Board Members and Committee Chairwomen are outlined in the Ancillary Agreement to the Londonderry Women’s Club Bylaws, Duties, and Responsibilities of Executive Board Members and Committee Chairwomen.
ARTICLE IX – Election of Board Members
Section 1. At the March Board Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present a list of candidates for the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and chairwoman of the following committees: Community Outreach, Membership, Programs, Publicity, and Ways and Means. At this time additional nominations for each board position may be made from the floor.
Section 2. At the April meeting, if an election is necessary, it will be held by secret ballot or email vote. If there is only one nominee for any position, it shall be in order to move that the Secretary cast the elective ballot for said nominee.
Section 3. The May meeting shall be annually planned by the Program Committee honoring the outgoing and incoming Board Members.
ARTICLE X – Duties of Other Committees
Section 1. Bylaws Committee shall
- consist of at least three members who have been active members, one of which is the Vice President and the others appointed by her.
- be responsible for review and revisions of the Bylaws.
- make up-to-date Bylaws available by the June Business meeting.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall
- be composed of at least two members appointed by the President by the January Business meeting.
- submit a slate of Board Members at the March general meeting before their election in April.
- be responsible for the installation ceremony.
- prepare ballots if necessary.
Section 3. High School Scholarship Committee (See Bylaws in Article XIV, Section 2)
Section 4. Londonderry Women’s Club Continuing Education Scholarship Committee (See Bylaws in Article XIV, Section 3)
Section 5. Community Project Committee:
- annually, the club may choose a community project to assist the local community.
- ideas for the project shall be published in the LWC Quarterly.
- this shall be chosen via email.
Section 6. Project Committees: activities are left to the discretion of the Board. The Executive Board shall approve operating expenses for these activities.
ARTICLE XI – Disbursement of Expense and Community Donation Funds
Section 1. Operating and all committee expenses more than what is reasonable, based on records of spending, shall need approval by a majority of the Board. The President, with the incoming Board, shall review this provision at the June meeting.
Section 2. Club Donations: All Club donations require the approved Donation Request Form.
- All submitted request forms must be submitted to the Club Treasurer electronically by the Wednesday before the monthly business meeting.
- All correctly submitted request forms must be shared by the Treasurer at a monthly business meeting where they will be reviewed. If accepted, it will be sent to the entire Club Membership using an online survey for a vote of approval/disapproval.
- Exception: If the request is urgent, an Executive Board Member should be contacted for a prompt response. An Executive Board decision can be made to donate up to $300 in case of emergency.
ARTICLE XII – Amendments
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of approval by the entire membership. This vote is to be conducted online after the membership has been given 20 days to review the amendment. Once notice is given, if there are any clarifications or other non-substantive changes to be made to these amendments, they may be made without any additional written notice before a vote. If approved, amendments will take effect immediately.
Section 2. Once amendments have been approved by the Club Members and written into the previous Bylaws Document, all other Bylaws Documents become obsolete.
Section 3. The latest Bylaws and ancillary agreements for board members must be available to all LWC Members by having them on the LWC Website
Section 4. Each Executive Board Member is to bring a copy of the Bylaws to every Business Meeting.
ARTICLE XIII – Order of Business
Section 1. Reports of Officers: President (opens meeting), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the following Chairwomen: Community Outreach, Membership, Program, Publicity, and Ways and Means.
Section 2. In a timely manner, all business is to be conducted in a respectful environment that is a safe space to share ideas without judgment.
ARTICLE XIV – Scholarships
Section 1. Scholarship Funding
- Monies for all scholarships will be co-mingled and maintained in a Scholarship Fund segregated from the operating expenses of the Club. The principal balance of this fund must remain untouched. The income from this fund will only be used to pay out scholarships.
- The Scholarship Fund is to be maintained by the Club until the Club dissolves. In the event of Club dissolution, the Executive Board will further investigate other organizations, which have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to maintain funds in the manner described above. The annual scholarship disbursements are to remain in the Londonderry Women’s Club name.
- In the event the Scholarship Fund is not self-sustaining, the annual scholarships can be omitted that year.
- Scholarship funding can also come from the proceeds of a fundraiser if the Ways and Means Committee has raised enough money to support this along with other Club operating expenses and obligations.
- Additional documentation can be found in LWC Google Drive🡪 By-Laws 🡪 By-Law Ancillary Documents.
Section 2. High School Scholarship Bylaws
- LWC Scholarship Committee and Term
- The Committee shall consist of two Londonderry Women’s Club Members
- The term of membership is two years.
- Each year the Committee shall consist of one Experienced Member and one other Member.
- A member may not have a qualifying student in the Londonderry High School during their term.
- The Experienced Member shall serve as Committee Chairwoman.
- In the event a delegate is unable to fulfill her term, an appointment shall be made by the President for the remainder of the term and shall not count as one term as the appointment is less than one year (July to July). The President and existing committee members shall determine new delegates by the end of July. The President shall contact and formally announce the new delegate to the general membership.
- Scholarships and Disbursement:
- Scholarships shall be awarded annually provided Scholarship Funds or fundraising income is available.
- The number of scholarships and their designated dollar amounts shall be reviewed and approved annually by the President, Treasurer, and High School Scholarship Committee by the end of December.
- Scholarship checks shall be issued in one installment during the recipients’ college freshman year.
- The Secretary shall invite the recipients to the August Business meeting to receive their checks.
- Application:
- Standardized application forms are available through the Londonderry High School Guidance Department.
- Essay questions are heavily weighed and must accompany the application forms.
- Application:
- All information provided by the applicants shall be under the control of the Londonderry Guidance Department which shall protect the identity of the applicant.
- Once the Committee has made its selections, completed application forms shall be destroyed.
- Scholarship recipients shall be announced at the Londonderry High School Baccalaureate exercises.
- Selection Criteria
- Recipients shall be graduating from Londonderry High School and have been accepted at an accredited post-secondary or vocational school.
- The Committee shall evaluate the following areas.
- Student essays
- Class rank
- Work experience
- Financial needs
- Community Service
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Selection Process
- In December or January, the Committee shall receive a questionnaire from the Londonderry High School Guidance Department regarding the scholarship.
- The Chairwoman shall respond to said questionnaire by the end of January.
- The Chairwoman shall remain in contact with the Londonderry Guidance Department to receive the completed application forms.
- The Committee shall keep open the lines of communication between the Londonderry High School Guidance Department and the Scholarship Committee.
- The Committee shall review and evaluate all Scholarship applications and choose the recipients and alternates.
- The Committee shall determine the top candidates. The number of candidates shall be determined as described in Part B, line 2.
- The Londonderry Guidance Department shall be notified in writing of the Committee’s top choices and at least two alternates.
- When this process is completed, the application forms are destroyed.
- The Londonderry Guidance Department shall provide the committee with each recipient’s name, address, telephone number, and college that they will be attending.
- The above information for each recipient shall be submitted to the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Section 3. Continuing Education Scholarship Bylaws
- Committee and Term:
- The Committee shall consist of two Londonderry Women’s Club Members
- The term of membership is two years.
- Each year the Committee shall consist of one Experienced Member and one other Member.
- In the event a delegate is unable to fulfill her term, an appointment shall be made by the President for the remainder of the term and shall not count as one term as the appointment is less than one year (July to July). The President and existing committee members shall determine new delegates by the end of July. The President shall contact and formally announce the new delegate to the general membership.
- Scholarship and Disbursement:
- One Continuing Education Scholarship will be awarded annually provided candidate(s) that meets the criteria and eligibility requirements can be found and provided the funding exists.
- The amount of the scholarship will be one thousand dollars ($1000).
- The number of recipients and amount of the scholarship may change when funds are available with the vote of the Executive Board at the time of the distribution.
- The Committee Chairwoman is responsible for contacting recipient(s) in writing with a letter of acceptance and making arrangements to award them the money.
- The Committee Chairwoman is responsible for contacting the other applicants in writing with letters of denial.
- The scholarship recipient(s) will be announced and paid in December.
- The scholarship check(s) will be made payable to the recipient(s) and issued in one installment.
- Application guidelines:
- The Continuing Education Scholarship Applications will be publicized in local newspapers by the Publicity Chairwoman.
- These will be made available at the Londonderry Leach Library by July.
- Applications can be submitted online or mailed to Londonderry Women’s Club, PO Box 817, Londonderry, NH 03053.
- Applications will be accepted until the end of September.
- The Chairwoman will be responsible for collecting submitted applications.
- Selection Criteria:
- Identify as female or woman.
- Be a current resident of Londonderry, NH, or a community adjacent to Londonderry.
- Currently enrolled at an accredited postsecondary institution.
- Have completed a minimum of half the time or credits required for your degree, certificate, or licensing program.
- Selection Process:
- Make scholarship applications available at the Leach Library by July.
- Selection Criteria:
- The Chairwoman will collect the submitted applications.
- The Committee Members are to make every effort to ensure applicant anonymity.
- The Committee shall evaluate the following areas.
- Student essays
- Class rank when applicable
- Grade Point Average when applicable.
- Work experience
- Financial need
- Community Service
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Select a recipient by the December Business meeting.